Sunday, March 27, 2022

What is Volume Solid(Vs) ? How to calculate Volume Solid?

 What is Volume Solid?

Volume solids is a measure of the volume of solid film forming ingredients in a can of paint - the material that is left behind when the paint has dried. In other words it is a measure of the volume of real paint in a can.

It is used to determine the dry film build of the paint when it is applied at specified spreading rates. Paint can be extended out by addition of thickener and solvent. Thick paint is not always high in volume solids. If choosing between paints careful analysis of volume solids versus price is necessary, as well as considerations about color durability, environmental friendliness and so on. 

Volume solids is expressed as: 

 VS = {(Volume of pigment + Volume of solid binder) x 100} /Total wet paint volume 


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