Monday, September 11, 2023

What is Corrosion? How to test anti-corrosive paint? Corrosion test method- ASTM B117-Determination by ASTM D1654-92 and ASTM D714

 What is Corrosion?

Corrosion is when a refined metal is naturally converted to a more stable form such as its oxide, hydroxide or sulphide state this leads to deterioration of the material.

Why corrosion occurs?

Metal corrodes when it reacts with another substance such as oxygen, hydrogen, an electrical current or even dirt and bacteria. Corrosion can also happen when metals like steel are placed under too much stress causing the material to crack.

What kind of paint can protect Corrosion?

One of the easiest and cheapest ways to prevent corrosion is to use barrier coatings like paint, plastic, or powder. Powders, including epoxy, nylon, and urethane, adhere to the metal surface to create a thin film. Today’s paint systems are a combination of different paint layers that serve different functions. The primer coat acts as an inhibitor, the intermediate coat adds to the paint’s overall thickness, and the finish coat provides resistance to environmental factors.

How to test anti-corrosion paint?

There are many technology  of testing anti-corrosive paint. The most common is "natural Salt Spray Test" and another one is "Water condensation". 

Test method followed by ISO 12944-6:2018

Standard for water condensation is ISO 6270-1

Standards for Natural Salt Spray is ISO 9227 & ASTM B117 

How to test corrosion using method of salt spray ASTM B117?

Salt Spray Chamber. ASTM B117

 Test Condition:

1. Salt solution conentration : 5% wt

2. pH of collected solution : 6.5- 7.2

3. Air supply : 1.0 kg/cm2

4. Temperature in the salt spray chamber: 35ÂșC

5. Saturated air temperature: 47°C

6. Test duration: 1440Hr (according ISO 12944-6)

7. Fogg collection: 1.2 ml/hr

8. Method of supporting article: Suspension 

ASTM D1654

An X pattern is scribed into the powder coated test coupons, see Figure 1. The scribed test coupons are then exposed to ASTM B117 testing. After the exposure the rate the corrosion or loss of paint extending from a scribe mark as prescribed in bellow notation.


This test method employs photographic reference standards to evaluate the degree of blistering that may develop when paint systems are subjected to conditions which will cause blistering.

Performance requirement to ISO 12944-6:2018

Assessment method                                    Requirement 

ISO 4628-2, Blistering                                0 (SO)

ISO 4628-3, Rusting                                   Ri 0

ISO 4628-4, Cracking                                0 (SO)

ISO 4628-5, Flaking                                   0 (SO) 

ISO 4628-6,A.2, Corrosion at scribe   Max. 1.5mm as average value

ISO 4624, Pull Off Adhesion                Min. 2.5 MPa for each measurement. 0% dhesive failure between substrate & first coat(Unless values are at least 5 MPa)

For more about paint and coating please visit my Youtube channel: 


Md. Sorwar Jahan
Paint Technologist, Bangladesh

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Paint and coating

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