Saturday, August 19, 2023

What is fire retardant paint? Let's introduce fire retardant paint technology.

What is fire retardant paint?

Fire retardant paint is a thick layer of coating which is the most measures to prevent fire from spreading quickly. Somebody remains that it can extinguish fire but not like that.

It can helps to prevent spreading out of fire and people get time to move from the spot & take out necessary things. It is also known as intumescent coating as its fluffy thick layer, it can absorb temperature and keep the room cooler than outside.

How does it works?

Oxygen,heat & fuel are need to start fire, We have to understand why fire happening & how to stop. If we can reduce the amount of oxygen going into fire, we can stop it. If the heat does not reach the high temp, it can stop the fire from spreading so far. If we can remove the fuel, the fire won't be able to take full form.

A fire retardant paint can reduce the amount of oxygen by its chemical mechanism, prevents reaching high temperature as its intumescent nature, can absorb fuel and prevent explosion.

Survival time?
30-240 minutes more according to coating thickness

Survival temperature?
300-500 °C more as manufacturers recorded data.

UL Flame spread rating ASTM E84
# Flame spread index <25

NGC Flame spread rating ASTM E2768
# Flame spread index < 3.2 m

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